Whatever you do, don't start the whole Hercules, TK4-, MVS thing up as root. Not that it won't work, it will. But you'll have exposed port 3270 to the Internet with root access. Do I need to tell you why that's a bad idea?
So create a user and their home directory called mvsop, give it a funky password. Give it sudoers rights too. You could use adduser instead of useradd, but what fun is that?
$ useradd -m -r -c "Hercules TK4- MVS 3.8j Operator" mvsop $ passwd mvsop $ usermod -aG sudo username
The option -m creates a home directory for mvsop, -r makes it a system account so there is no expiry and -c lets you create a comment line to be seen when they log in. And usermod adds the user to the sudo group. Still has to have the root password, so at least it is somewhat better secured. This is nowhere near as secure as a cert authorization, but the intent isn't become a Linux expert, it's to get MVS 3.8j up and running.
Test out the new user. Fire up your terminal program (I use Putty), connect to your Linux server and login as mvsop. See what happens. If all is copacetic, then you're good to install TK4-.
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